
September 18, 2007

Week in Christchurch

So, I spent a week in Christchurch, completely unexpected, except for the circumstances, it was nice being in a city again and some where different. I spent the last 3 days catching up with Patrick Davey. It was great to finally spend some time with him. Had a few lovely evenings. Christchurch is in bloom at the moment. Its springtime and it certainly shows. Weeping willows line the quaint little river (however I've told that they are not actually weeping or willows, but they do look like them and I can't remember the correct name). Even the gorse is in bloom. It certainly is a pretty array of colours. I wandered around Christchurch in a bit of a daze. I couldn't understand how I was meant to go back to Wanaka and snowboard when I was wearing shorts and a tshirt. It just seemed wrong.

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