5am - Up, breakfast, drive to airport
6am - Check in
7am - Fly to Auckland
820am - Arrive in Auckland Airport
9am - Bus into Auckland City
1030am - Sort out Passport with General consulate of Ireland.
12noon - Meet a friend for Lunch
330pm - Bus back to airport
5pm - Check in
7pm - Fly to LA - Grrr no proper movies, the system was very dodgy, you settle back into a film only to get about 30 seconds in and it would start skipping and blacking out, this continued throughout the film and every subsequent film on the journey, it was very frustrating and made for a very long journey.
1030am (630am nztime) - Arrive in LA
1130noon (730am nztime) - Queueing in Customs
1230pm (830am nztime) - Still in Customs
130pm (930am nztime) - Queueing at Check in
2pm (10am nztime) - Queueing at Departures
3pm (11am nztime) - Queueing at the Gate
330pm (1130 nztime) - Fly to Heathrow - and the worst turbulance I have ever experienced.
9am (9pm nztime) - Getting close to Heathrow
930am (930pm nztime) - Circling Heathrow
930am (930pm nztime) - Still Circling Heathrow
1015am (1015pm nztime) - Landed Bump, Now Run, got a flight to catch and well its Heathrow.
1045am (1045pm nztime) - Queueing at Passport Control
1050am (1050pm nztime) - at check in - too late for flight - booked on to next one.
12 noon (12 nztime) - sitting waiting for flight
1pm (1am nztime) - still waiting
140pm (140am nztime) - finally boarding
250pm (250am nztime) - touch down in Ireland
3pm (3am nztime) - why won't they let us out of the plane
310pm (310am nztime) - ah the pilot came on to let us know - that (how typical) the walkway is a metre short of the plane and they can't work out what to do
315pm (315am nztime) - finally they decide to let us off the back of the plane - the old fashioned way using a staircase :) who'd have thought???
4pm (4am nztime) met my parents at arrivals:)
6pm (6am nztime) drove in the gate to Stoneacre (home sweet home)
48 hours of travelling door to door - 49 hours since I got up in New Zealand with probably only 3 hours sleep - I tired yesterday. I some how managed to stay up till about 1030. Thinking I'd sleep right through, I settled down into bed exhausted, but to my disgust I woke at 430am not to return to sleep. GRRRR... Jet lag has set in.